Thursday, 11 September 2014

Theatre H/W - Noughts and Crosses

Theatre H/W - Noughts and Crosses
How do the character's body postures help to inform you of their statuses?
The characters who are lower class and have a lower status usually have bad posture and bring their body in to hide themselves. Characters who are higher class are bigger and bolder in their actions to make them look powerful.

What does it tell you about the type of people they are?
Their body actions tell me that the Noughts are trying to do everything in their power to get away from the madness. However, the Crosses are trying to hold their power and stop any sort of rebellion against them.

The Royal Shakespeare Company, also known as the RSC, have released an information packet about the play Noughts and Crosses. Inside this packet their is a plot, basic information about the main characters and biographies. I found that the first page of the packet, the family tree, is extremely useful in aiding you to process the relationships between the two families, the McGregor's and the Hadley's. The plot of the play is very detailed and included significant actions in specific scenes to help the reader understand more about the play. Overall, this packet is significant in the fact that you wish to know more about Noughts and Crosses such as the character detail or the key themes.      

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